Anyways.... now that I've vented all my feelings about condiments we can talk about the mission.
Last Monday: for the morning I sat on a bus for a long time so my companion could go buy a suit, it was and hour and 20 minute bus ride... and then we were in the mall for like 20 minutes. Then we came back to the church to email and played ping pong. A pretty boring day.
Oh, last Sunday was interesting. One hour before church started the bishop called and asked me to give a talk. I'll admit I wasn't very stoked! I like to prepare and practice! Especially when it's in a different language. The topic/s he gave me were the first members of the church and their legacy, the first member of my family who was a member and the importance of journal keeping.... soooo.... no time to prepare except for the time I had as I walked to church. Hahaha it was pretty funny, I did some hand motions up at the pulpit trying to describe drooping leaves on plants... over all it was decent. The journal keeping was my strong point I think.
Man.... I can't remember much about this week... I got a giant bottle of Cholula hot sauce from an American family so that was pretty nice of them! We are steal teaching Wilson the giant buff guy, I downloaded a talk from president Monson for him to watch, that's the one area he's lacking in. A testimony of the prophet today's times. Hopefully he will be baptized on the 15 of August. Then there is Enrique, we are working with him slowly but surely. He has his things he's working through, but I think he will be baptized in my team here in puerto. I think both of the, will be honestly. I hope I get to see that at least! Super good guys, great hearts. It's funny because Wilson is this hugeeee guy but he's such a nice guy, haha I help him with his English. He wants me to record English lessons and the them on a USB drive for him.... I don't know how I would do that so I just told him to look it up on YouTube. You can find everything on YouTube. Yesterday I learned something interesting, our Sunday school teacher told us that we cant build a temple in France because there is a law. This law says that the police have to be able to enter the building... but the temple is a sacred place for us and you need a recommend saying that your keeping all the commandments and what not... so that's why we don't have a temple in France! Interesting, no?
I feel like I live inside of a broken record player.... my companion played the same 2 or 3 songs on his guitar and sings everyday... hahaha it's interesting! Oh well! I'm doing well out here! I'm alive so that's gotta count for something! I hope all is well back at home! You guys are all sweet people and I pray for you guys! Send me and email sometime if you have the chance! I don't care if your a stranger or whatever! I wanna hear from you!
Keep on keeping on.
Elder Rex
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