President and Sister Lovell-- Madrid MTC president and his wife.
Well this is my first
pday and im attempting to type really
fast on this spanish
keyboard so i apologize for spelling errors. My companion is from
canada, elder assuant. Nice dude. Things are going well this week!
i dont know spanish so
thats not too great. i can pray and testify of
certain things but
sentences are muy dificil. Um the food here is so
so, nothing special.
had some weird kiwi juice this morning, it had a
very weird texture to
it. im going tot the mall after this to
hopefully get
a Christmas sweater.
Dad, ask Uncle Jay
what year he served here and if he served with an elder Lovell. thats my
CCMpresident and he served with an elder rex in try to
figure that out and let me know. I email you guys again tuesday and ill
you know about skype.
BUT i do need you guys to create me a skype
account and email me
the name and password before then or else we
wont skype!
ummm i hope all is
well back home. the biggest struggle
out here is the
language. not very good at it. hopefully it will come
with time tough. I
have attempted to teach around 5 lessons and i dont
understand i
just testify, i accidentally testified about the
book of mormon before
we even talk about it. haha whoops. i have 5
elders in my room, 2
from canada, 1 from austria, 1 from finland and
then me. i like the
austrian and finnish ones a lot. very funny guys,
the finnish one is
going to my mission so thats cool. My brain is like a
blender right now
so i dont know exactly what to say. We play sports
every day at 5,
usually futbol. Umm i bought a pen that blows
bubbles... what skype
name will i be skyping to? i think i skype around 530 madrid time on
thursday. I'll get you solid details on Tuesday.
I got a letter from
the Neilsons and that was lovely:) my first mail! Other
than my christmas
package the first day. I didnt bring and pictures of
friends and family so
that was stupid of me... soooo friends, you should write me!! Letters make
me feel so cool!! I'll write back once i figure out how to mail things
here! I've already got some letters to send to some
Courtney i hope
you had a GOOD BIRTHDAY!! ill try to send you
something. i miss you
all. mom i hope you are doing well!Michael maybe one
day you'll be able to dunk...idk though. miss you guys. i got to
go to the temple! Talk to you guys on tuesday!!! love you all! You are all in
my prayers.
LOVE Elder Rex
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